var validateSepDec = 'Too much decimal point.'; var validateNotValidNumber = 'The value isnt a valid number.'; var validateInsertMaxDecimalDigits = 'Too much digits after decimal point.'; var validateGroupSepInFract = 'The decimal place cant contain the separator of thousand.'; var validateMaxPrecision = 'Excelled maximum number of permitted figures.'; var validateGroupSepPosition = 'Number not valid, the position of the separator of thousand doesnt respect the settings of the userlanguage.'; var validateMinValue = 'The permitted minim value is'; var validateMaxValue = 'The permitted maximum value is'; var msgDeleteConfirm = 'Confirme cancellation'; var msgSaveConfirm = 'Saving confirmed'; var msgCancelConfirm = 'Confirme cancellation'; var i18n = ''; var i18nGroupSize = 0; var i18nGroupSep = ''; var i18nDecimalSep = ''; var serverErrorMessage = 'A communication error with the web server occured. \n Codice di errore: _ERROR_CODE_.\nSi prega l\'utente di scollegarsi e riaccedere in un secondo momento.'; var sessionExpiredMessage = 'Session expired! Effect the authentification again.'; var loginTitleForSessionExpireCheck = '.: ARMET, ecommerce :.'; //messaggi per l'autenticazione var authenticationAlertMsg ='The following errors are been noticed:\r\n'; var authenticationAlertMsgIdReq= 'l\'id is required\r\n'; var authenticationAlertMsgNameReq = 'the name is required\r\n'; var authenticationAlertMsgPwdReq = 'the password is required\r\n'; var authenticationAlertMsgPwdConfReq = 'the password confirmation is required\r\n'; var authenticationAlertMsgPwdDiff = 'the password confirmation doesnt correspond\r\n'; var errorsIntro = "Sono stati riscontrati i seguenti errori:"; /* file contenente tutte le descrizioni in lingua che sono usate nelle funzioni javascript*/ var maxNumberOfDecimalsReached = 'Reached the maximum number of decimal' var decodeMsg = 'decodification in progress...'; var noqtaForOffer = 'Please specify quantity'; var commitmentRequired = 'matccode.message.commitment.required'; var startDateRequired = 'matccode.message.start-date.required'; var matccodeSearchTitle = ''; var userName = '';